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It is long overdue. It is my pleasure to write about Dr. Ali-Jones. She has been so instrumental in our community not only providing the highest surgical care as a surgeon, but also as a genuinely caring leader whom we should all strive to emulate. She is certainly a role model who I compare myself...

August is National National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National National Immunization Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month is sponsored by the National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) observed during the month of August. The campaign aims to bring awareness of the importance of vaccines and getting vaccinated. People of all ages should get vaccinated to protect against a number of serious and sometimes deadly diseases. Key awareness points:...

Providence Little Company of Mary – Summer Spotlight

Providence Little Company of Mary – Summer Spotlight

Where do we start? Dr. James Camel has been a pillar to the Southbay for over 2 decades. He has brought in many important changes to how we practice surgery. He has been instrumental in pushing the boundaries and incorporating cutting edge technology into his surgeries. As a result, this provides the absolute best outcomes...

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

As summer is approaching and the pandemic seemingly better controlled we need to recognize skin safety. More and more people now are out and about. May is the national Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Learn more about different types of skin cancer and skin care. “With over 5 million cases diagnosed in the United States each...

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

1. Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the US for men and women.2. Colon and rectal cancer can be prevented and if caught early can be easier to treat. SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING!1 in 20 people will get colon or rectal cancer90% of new cases occur in people 50 and...

February is Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month

February is Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month

The month of February is a very important month. We at South Bay Surgeons want to bring awareness to Gallbladder and Bile Duct cancers. Although rare, these cancers affect many lives and many families. It is estimated that approximately 20000 people will be diagnosed with either gallbladder or bile duct cancer each year. Symptoms that...

World Cancer Day Feb 4th

World Cancer Day Feb 4th

We believe We believe that access to life-saving cancer diagnosis, treatment and care should be equal for all – no matter where you live, what your income, your ethnicity or gender.   We believe that governments must be accountable and national leadership on policies, legislations, investment and innovation is key to accelerated progress. We believe that individuals, together...

National Women Physicians Day

National Women Physicians Day

Today is National Women Physicians Day. It is to celebrate and honor the present, past, and future women doctors in the country. We, at South Bay Surgeons, recognize the hard work, dedication and many sacrifices our female colleagues had to endure. Let me please highlight our very our female super star surgeons. Melanie Friedlander, MD...

Telemedicine Appointments

Telemedicine Appointments

We at South Bay Surgeons believe your access to high quality care during the COVID pandemic is absolutely paramount. During these trying times we are fearful for ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors. COVID 19 has brought together a community awareness that protecting others and ourselves comes with a huge cost – isolation. Being...

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